Friday, November 7, 2008


The girls are so very different from each other. Peace is a princess type girly girl. She is gentle, very loving and snuggly, would rather not get her feet wet or muddy. Siren is a tom boy, rougher in play, dig holes and I swear would climb trees if she could. She is not bothered by rain, dirt or mud, water is a joy, and anything that moves is to be chased. Leaves falling from trees is great entertainment.
This morning we had the first snow of the year-not a lot yet, but there was enough to cover the steps. Peace went out, felt the snow on her feet and immediately wanted to come back in. Siren ran out and rolled in it. Let me just say, curly girl with a coat full of snow and dirt and leaves- not so much my favorite thing at 5 am.


Janet said...

Siren and her Aunt Scout are kindred spirits!!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Ra too - she LOVES rooting around in the dirt and muck.