Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Addicted to Blogging

I am addicted to all of your blogs. Is there a 12 step program for blogs? I am spending way too much time reading blogs lately. I love the sheep blogs, the chicken blogs, the craft blogs, and of course the dog blogs. Lets not forget the fugly horse blog, the cake wrecks blog, dolittler and on an on. I used to read books-lots and lots of books. Now its better, I can listen to one book on tape and read blogs. WOOHOO. Heaven. Oh, you mean I should probably actually train my dogs, or work on one of those many quilts I have in progress. No, I should be working on my new knitting project. Or maybe doing the dishes.... dang, did you all read that other blog.........

I admit I am an addict.. isn't that the first step??


coopercreek said...

LOL. I know what you mean. If the first step is admitting our addiction, what's the next step? Well, in the meantime, I'll read some more blogs. :-)

Jules said...


And blogging gets to be addictive too!

manymuddypaws said...

i think we are all addicted!!! and the blog rolls have made it worse as I am always finding new blogs to read :o)

Sherilyn said...

Amen! I used to only read a couple of blogs, but I that everyone is posting the blog rolls, I've been keeping up with people I don't even know yet! LOL I can't wait to meet some of these folks at the next Nationals! We'll all know each other so well it will be eerie! ;)

Off for more reading...have a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

I have so much work to do, BUT I need to keep up with wins and near wins, the political whisperings, people's cute children, general musings -- and, of course, I must satisfy my own need to write things down.

Is there a support group out there?

Anonymous said...

It makes us one community! I too keep adding folks to my blog roll.

Just think what it would be if we had a support group we would have all their blogs to read too.