Saturday, September 27, 2008

NADAC tomorrow

A year ago Magic and I attended our first agility trial, and ran 3 classes, tunnellers, jumpers and hoopers. NQ in jumpers, it was the first one we ran and although we didnt Q, it was still fun. Then tunnellers where we earned our first qualifying score. Last hoopers, where we had a nice run, but were .02 seconds over time. It was fun, and I was hooked. Tomorrow we are attending the same trial, a year later. Now, we dont trial as often as I would like, and our success rate could be better, but over this year the boy has earned his O-TN-N, NAC, and TG-N. We have managed to earn at least one Q in every NADAC class along the way. He also earned a CL1-F in CPE, and has a few legs toward AKC too. I know we are not the best team out there, but darn I sure do love paying with this boy and I am proud of all our accomplishments.

1 comment:

Jules said...

That's all that matters (the enjoyment)! Enjoy every second.