Monday, September 1, 2008

Did I mention Train Wreck???

Yup, it was a train wreck. In jumpers we got 2 refusals, one at the weaves and one where he spinned around to find me. In standard he jumped his contact on the dog walk and took a sliding run right off the table. However, by late afternoon when he was hot and crabby, we did manage a Q in FAST. The timer malfunctioned and we were probably over time, but the judge said it was a couple of seconds and we had 8 points extra so we got the Q anyways. Here is a link to the photos.

All performance aside, I had a very nice day playing with Magic and visiting with friends, so all in all it was great.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Dawn. Magic reminds me a lot of Sam sometimes. Did I ever tell you about the time Sam demolished a jumpers course? I think he left maybe 2 bars up and he took out stanchions and everything else. A friend, and agility judge, was watching and commented that Sam took the phrase 'run through' too literally :) At least you left the jumps up.

Dawn said...

Thanks Dina. I can just see Sam dozing his way through the course. Silly guy.

Jules said...

Nice pic, Dawn. AKC sounds tough!