Saturday, May 1, 2010

Its not over

Magic came up lame today.He is using his right front but occasionnaly is  limping.  He already had a vet/chiro appt scheduled for Tuesday. So we are going to have a couple of days of crate rest. He is not happy! Neither am I.


Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

Where do you go to the vet/chiro?

Corollary: Why is it that when I was desperately looking for a chiro last fall, no one could recommend one, and now that I have one, there are tons of recs?

penni said...

There is always something, isn't there? Dogs have no sense of money.

manymuddypaws said...

wowsers, that is a whole lot of bad luck! hope he's alright. geez.

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

oh gosh I'm jsut catching up after being away from the computer for nearly two weeks!

I'm so sorry to hear about Magic! Hopefully he heals fast!!