Monday, June 1, 2009

I have lost my mind

Just in case anyone doubted it. I entered Grace in an agility trial. I have no expectations, but I thought it might be fun for her. We shall see. Wish I had a video camera to record it though. I am sure I will have a lot of laughs to report in a couple of weeks. Surprisingly I guess I no longer mind making a fool of myself. What dogs truly teach us!

On the car note, its not going to be a great dog car-only one crate will fit and that not wonderfully. But it will get me there and it has better gas mileage, so we wil make it work for a while. It might mean though that a dog rides out of a crate.


Anonymous said...

We do what we have to do, at least they have wheels to get around.

penni said...

You might try back seat seat belts for two dogs and take soft crates -- or collapsible wire crates (in the trunk) -- for the show site. Getting there and back is the most important thing.

Cindy said...

Oh no, your mind must be wandering some where with mine ;0) Good luck and just have fun. I find that when I really don't care about anything but fun, I usually do very well.

I seem to remember a lumina many moons ago. Yes I did figure out how to get two crates in but that car had a bottomless trunk and everything else went in there.

Good luck!!!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

oh that should be just fun!! I can't wait to hear how it went!!

Jules said...

Oh, How exciting!! Good luck!

Sherilyn said...

Good luck!! I'm sure you'll find all kinds of ways to pack your new ride. A good friend of ours has a smallish car and she gets a Malamute AND Samoyed in there, plus all of her show gear. And believe me, she packs a LOT of stuff for her, too! We kid her about being a "Poodle" and needing more grooming than her long coated dogs! hehe