Friday, April 9, 2010


Jade came home last night.  There doesn't seem to be any improvement with the antibiotics, so we are pretty sure that this is liver issues. Its very hard to do testing of any kind on such a tiny critter. We talked about going to a specialist for a liver biopsy, but honestly, she may not live through it. So we decided to bring her home, and help her through her remaining time as well as we can.  Her only distress really is that her bottom gets a bit messy as she cant poop as easily, and her breathing is a bit labored. She climbed all over her cage last night and seemed fairly happy to be home.  We do have some liver support meds which include milk thistle and some oral antibiotics.  As the vet said, the antibiotics won't hurt her, and hopefully will make sure she didn't pick up anything that can make this time more uncomfortable. Going to the vet is way more stressful for the birds than it is for the dogs.


Anonymous said...


Holly said...

that was from me... sorry I didn't sign him out,

Jules said...

(((Jade and Dawn))) She is so lucky to have you, Dawn.

penni said...

Poor tiny baby. I hope she enjoys her time and that you can take some comfort from the fact that she's had a great life with you.

Sherilyn said...

Hugs, Dawn. I'm so sorry you both have to go through this, but she's lucky she has you to keep her as comfortable and love her as much as possible. We'll keep you both in our thoughts and prayers that she is not in much pain.

Lybertygirl said...

Hugs from the Lyberty gang.