Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pull Pictures

First up- Siren, refusing to play this game with David.  We think she was looking for me as I was on the other side of the barrier with Magic. But maybe she just did not want to play this silly game.
Magic my good little guy, he worked as hard as he could.  It was down to him and a very sweet little border collie working for that last pull to win the class.                                                              
Peace was having trouble with her last pull, she had a hard time getting it started, so I gave her a bit of help and we raced each other across the finish line.  Then we went back and she was confident enough to do that same weight herself.  I made this her last pull for the day since she was so successful, I wanted ehr to end happy, which I think she did, since she tried to go back to the front to do it again.

I know she doesn't look very happy but she was working hard when the picture was taken!


Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

awesome pictures! Always in awe...

penni said...

I want to try this with my baddogs -- it looks like great fun. I also bet they sleep well later.

Katie said...

Awesome! I so want to get my Border Collie into weight pull.