Sunday, August 1, 2010

APDT Day 2

Another really good day. Magic again gave me 2 QQ's with acceptable scores. Today:

Trial 3 Level 1 204  Honestly Magic looked and acted like he really did not want to play today-but he's a good boy so without any entheusiasm he did do as I asked.  So as a reward we went outside and played fetch for a while.    Level 2  208 Fetch helped, he was much more up and ready to work.    Level 3 204 Good job on a tough course. Yes a few points but for a dog who hates heeling and a course with lots of turns and heeling I am very happy with this.

Trial 4 Level 1 202  Again, on leash, not his favorite.   Level 2 200  5 points off on each moving down-this judge felt he was too slow in his downs. He always tucks his foot under and does go down slower than many dogs, but he did respond right away, he just does it slow. Oh well I can live with that too.

I really enjoy doing APDT trails. More than any other rally that we have played in so far.  I love the difficulty and length of the courses, the married signs and the bonus exercises.


Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

So, is that 2 legs towards the level 3 title? Congrats on all those scores! :) Did you have any placements today?

I wish I could have come up, but I just haven't been feeling very good. Oh well, next time!

Dawn said...

Sorry you werent well Crystal, we missed you.

Magic already has his RL3. We just did a level 3 once each day to try to better our skills at those exercises. We did Q in all of our classes, but didnt place in them all. We didnt really work as well as we have in the past this time. We have some work to do.

Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

Oh. How did I miss that you already have his RL3?? Geesh, you and Magic are making Maisy and I look like slackers! ;)

I love that picture. He's such a handsome dog.

Laura and The Corgi, Toller, & Duck said...

gorgeous picture, and really great job this weekend. Magic may not have been as upbeat as you had hoped but he looked good out there. I have some videos of a few of his runs and will let you know when I post them. youtube is being bratty right now and keeps canceling them after spending forever trying...

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Good boy, Magic!!!!! Power ub da fluff!

M.T. said...

Way to go you guys!!!!!! That's a fantastic picture of your achievements!!! :)