Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning Blues

Its Monday. Yuck. I was sick last week, where I wound up staying home on Thursday and Friday, which is so unlike me.  That makes 4 days this month where I have been off work due to being sick.  The crud is going around my workplace like crazy and so they have actually been sending people home in an effort to try not to spread it, but unfortunately it seems unstoppable.  Today I actually have a voice, although my son says I mostly sound like ET.  Lets just say, yelling at the TV for the football game yesterday was interesting sound wise.  Because I was out sick last week, I didnt get my time card turned in either and with our new payroll system, my boss is having a heck of a time getting my time to show. So now I may not get paid right either. Almost makes me wish I were still at home!

The dogs however loved having me home with them.  Kazin my old dog, spent the last 5 days in bed with me. He was a happy boy. The others just leaped up and jumped on me periodically to make sure I was still alive and to remind me to feed them, that is whenever they were not confined to the tile floor due to the copius amounts of mud the last 2 weeks of rain and snow have thoughtfully provided.  

Peace is still buck naked, and I am starting to think she won't have enough hair to show next month.  Darn it! She is such a funny girl.  Yesterday during the football game I was (as usual) hollering at the TV.  Everytime I would yell, Peace would go to the TV and holler at it too.  Of course that would make us all laugh.  Do you know how hard it is to cough and laugh at the same time?  


penni said...

I'm trying so hard not to catch the crud. My granddaughter was diagnosed with H1N1. Fortunately she had a fairly mild case. It sounds like you're still not feeling great -- hope you're better soon.

Jules said...

I hope you feel better soon. I narrowly escaped being sick this week. My dh was home with nausea and fever - I ate GNC Ultra Zinc Lozenges ($10.29 for 48) like mad and guess what? I had one truly under the weather day versus his week! Hmmm...

There is so much stuff going around. Fell better!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

The dog is always the only one who's happy when Mom is sick ...

Sherilyn said...

Hope you get to feeling better! Was so hoping you would come down to Lincoln, NE again this year, to show Peace and celebrate the anniversary again. Would love to see you again and have a fun weekend! :)