Monday, November 22, 2010

Getting myself motivated

I admit, I am lazy.  I dont work my dogs everyday.  I should, but I dont.  I need to find a way to get motivated enough to get my dogs trained.  I am thinking that maybe if I show this weekend at the ASCA trial, I might be motivated enough (by embarrassment) to actually train my dogs? Think that would work?


Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

I'm a horribly lazy trainer, too. We just find so much else to do that's more fun (walking, hiking, ball throwing)... plus I have no idea if she'll ever head back into the ring...

Taryn said...

I go days and days without training! Lots of weeks, Jimmy's only training is his weekly agility class. When I have a trial upcoming on the weekend, I am a bit more motivated to do a little work, but even then I can easily talk myself out of it. Like Crystal just said, walks/hiking/ball are all more fun and important for weight control and fitness. I am planning an entire month of "dogs just being dogs" in December, no classes, seminars or yard work.