Saturday, October 4, 2008


Today Magic, Siren, Dave and I went to Doggiepalooza. Its a big gathering in a local park with lots of miniature things to do- a small rally course, a small earthdog maze, disc dog demos, and lots of vendors. Both Magic and Siren ran around in the big dog free play area- Magic loved it of course and played chase and ball with anyone he could convince to throw the darn ball. Siren did well, until a big mastiff walked over and sniffed her, then she got a little nervous. So we took her instead to the small dog play area where she wondered around, but really didn't play. So we went back to the big dog play area and she ran around a bit more and did great. Magic tried dock diving, and while its not his favorite thing to do, if does involve retreiving so he is willing to give it a shot.
But Magic's all time favorite thing in the world does seem to be lure coursing. He loves the lure coursing. He watches from outside the course and screams and whines. When the lure is close by he screams, when its on the far side he whines. I am going to have to find a time to take him over to the course in Wisconsin so he can really run. All in all a very fun day today. No pictures because silly me, I forgot to take the camera that was sitting on the chair waiting to go!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Spencer loooovvvvvesss lure coursing too. I have some friends with lure coursing equipement and every once in a while they have a fun day and invite all the non-sighthounds to play. They say Spencer is not really a cardi - he is really a dwarf basenji. The last time we went the grass was so high, the only thing we could see of Spence on the course was the white tip of his tail.